Category: Notifications

Interest Equalization Scheme (IES)

Interest Equalization Scheme (IES) for Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit for MSME Manufacturer Exporters Extended up to

Imposition of Minimum Export Price on export of Onions

Imposition of Minimum Export Price on export of Onions Effect of this Notification: Export of onions is ‘Free’ with Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US $ 800 F.O.B per Metric Ton (MT) is imposed till 31st December
Did you Know??
Imposition of Minimum Export Price on export of Onions.
Effect of this Notification:
Export of onions is ‘Free’ with Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US $ 800 F.O.B per Metric Ton (MT) is imposed till 31st December.

#ssbexim #ssb #DGFTNotification #Import #Notification #DGFT #SSb #SSB #ssbeximservices #dgftconsultants #dgftindia #dgfttrade #exportofonion #exportonions #SSBEximServices #exporter

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Extension of Date for Restriction on Export of Sugar

Extension of date for restriction of Sugar


Restriction on Export of Sugar (Raw Sugar, White Sugar, Refined Sugar and Organic Sugar) is beyond 31st October, 2023 till further.

For More Information:
DGFT Notification – Restriction on Export of Sugar

#DGFT #DGFTNotification #SSBEximServices #Export #Import #Notification #SugarExport #sugarimport #Rawsugar #whitesugar #refinedsugar #organicsugar #DirectorGeneralofForeignTrade #SSB #ssbexim #RestrictiononExportofSugar

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DGFT CoO update

DGFT CoO update
DGFT has De-listed some issuing agencies from e-CoO platform.
 #DGFT  #Export #import #DGFTNotification #ssbexim #SSBExim #SSBEximServices #DGFTupdate #CoOupdate #eCoOplatform

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Amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements containing botanicals

Amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements containing Botanicals

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Para Boiled Rice Export Policy Updated

Paraboiled Rice Export Policy Updated

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The Proposal for Manufacturing Fortified Rice Kernel is Allowed

Manufacture of Fortified Rice Kernel

“Manufacture of Fortified Rice Kernel” is eligible for availing grants-in-aid under CEFPPC Scheme

The Proposal for Manufacturing of Fortified Rice Kernel is allowed.

#CEFPPC #Industrialsubsidies #MOFPI #SSBEXIM #ssbexim #ssbeximservices #industrialsubsidiesconsultant #riceexport #fortifiedriceexport #fortifiedricekernel

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Export Quota For Non-Basmati White Rice

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015—20 and in accordance with the provision contained in Para 2 (iv) of Notification No. 20 dt. 20.07.2023, export of following quantity of Non-Basmati White Rice (under l-IS code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is permitted through National Cooperative Exports Limited (N GEL):- 0 Export of 79000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan. a Export of 14000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Mauritius. I Export of 50,000 MT of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Singapore. 2. Effect of the Notification: Export of Non-Basmati White Rice (under [-18 code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is notified.
Export of following quantity of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code: 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is permitted through National Cooperative Exports Limited (N GEL):-
                                          Export of 79000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan.
                                          Export of 14000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Mauritius.
                                          Export of 50,000 MT of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Singapore.

Effect of the Notification:

Export of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code: 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is notified.


#DGFT #DGFTNotification #DirectorGeneralofForeigntrade #SSb #SSBExim #SSBEximServices#Export#Import #RiceExport  #NonBasmatiRice  #ExportImportPolicy  #ImportExport  #ImportExportConsultants 

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The quantity of 5841 MT Sugar to be exported to EU from India under TRQ for the year 2023-24

APEDA Export Agency for TRQ Items

As per Notification No. 3.3201540 dated 20.04.2015, export of sugar (HS Code 17010000) to EU under TRQ is ‘Free’ subject to the conditions notified in the “Nature of Restrictions“ in the above notification.

Certificate of Origin, if required, for preferential export of sugar to EU, shall be issued by Additional Director General of Foreign Trade, Mumbai on recommendation of APEDA regarding entity and quantity for which eiigible.0ther certification requirement, if any, prescribed specifically for export of sugar to EU would continue to be followed.

The quota will be operated by Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), New Delhi as the implementing agency for export of TRQ items to EU.

The reporting requirement as notified vide Notification No. 30015-2020 dated 20.04.2015 read with Notification No. 20 dated 07.09.2015 would be followed.

Effect of this Public Notice:

The quantity of 5841 MT Sugar to be exported to EU from India under TRQ for the year 2023-24 (October 2023 to September 2024) has been notified.


#DGFT #DGFTNotification #Directorategeneralofforiegntrade #APEDAScheme  #SSb #SSBExim  #SSBeximservices#Export #Import #TRQ #Notification 

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MoFPI has announced Expression of Interest (EOI) for Food Processing Sectors

MOFPI update for Food Processing Sectors

Did you know??

MoFPI has announced Expression of Interest (EOI) for Food Processing Sectors belonging to SC/ST category and North-East Region.


#MoFPI #FinancialAssistance #MoFPIAPC #EOI #ExpressionofInterest #FoodProcessingSubsidies #PMKSY #Centralgovtsubsidies #SubsidyNotification #IndustrialSubsidiesConsultants #Subsidyconsultants #SSBEximServices #SSBExim

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